NOCHINO OPTICAL is a unisex basic eyewear brand that is handmade bycraftsmen in Sabae City, Fukui Prefecture, a well-known production center for highquality eyewear in the world.
Our products are handmade by skilled craftsmen in Sabae City, Fukui Prefecture, aproduction site that handles the production of many brands of glasses andsunglasses around the world, including maison brands, and are carefully crafted oneby one using hundreds of highly skilled processes.This is a small package brand that does not follow trends but analyzes, edits, andreconstructs existing standard products in the 100 years or so of eyeglass history,based on the premise of producing only really good products without mass-producing them. Made in Japan by skilled craftsmen, the products are basic, simple,universal, enduring, genderless, seasonless, ageless, and style-less.

Not a full moon, but one before the full moon. Japanese people appreciate the moon before its fullness.The beauty of lack, incompleteness, and blank spaces. The thirteenth moon, the moon after the thirteenth moon.It is through lack that something appears that cannot be expressed in terms ofperfection or satisfaction. By making the lack beautiful, we can make people feel the beauty of contentment.Glasses are incomplete when they leave the hands of the craftsman, just like thethirteenth moon, or later moons.We offer our products as the 13th moon.
We named our brand after the "13th moon" or "later moon" based on the delicateand profound virtuous feelings of the Japanese people.
Currently, the minimalist collection consists of seven models.The lenses are beautifully curved with a subtle 2-curve, which is not flat, and areoriginally produced and used as the basic lenses.The brand's iconic lenses include a model equipped with a dimming lens thatchanges color under ultraviolet light and sunglasses with a UV cutoff rate of over 90%.

Creative agency YAR, which includes artist Yoshirotten, was in charge of logodesign, visuals, and package design.The concept and naming of the brand, which represents the delicate virtues of theJapanese, was created by New York-based producer Shin Nishigaki.The brand project also includes a number of other Tokyo-based members such aswriters, photographers, producers, and fashion directors,The project will define new basics that have been edited and reconstructed, and willserve as a catalyst to bequeath to future generations the unique Japanese art ofcraftsmanship, which has been on the decline.
The brand will be launched on the NOCHINO OPTICAL EC site and at leading selectstores and eyewear stores nationwide in July 2021.In 2009 and 2010, NOCHINO OPTICAL will be actively expanded, holding a seriesof POP UPs at select stores in Japan, including Isetan Shinjuku, Hankyu Hakata,and Resteir in Roppongi.In July 2011, the long-awaited flagship store opened in Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku.